Hypothetical and real risks of AI
I talked about hypothetical and real risks of AI this week at the University of ...
Thilo Stadelmann is Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the ZHAW School of Engineering in Winterthur, Switzerland, where he is the Founding Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Head of its Machine Perception and Cognition research group. He is (co-)founder and part of the senior leadership of several organizations in the digital space, including Alpine AI, a start-up that builds SwissGPT to give organisations AI-based access to their digital know-how. Thilo Stadelmann is a finalist of the 2024 Swiss Digital Economy Award in the category “The Pascal” and winner of several prestigious teaching and research awards, advising international organizations and think tanks on AI ethics and the future of society. As an expert, he is regularly in the media and on TV.
Thilo Stadelmann is a captivating speaker who inspires his audience. He expertly talks about the background, opportunities and risks of current AI technology and enthusiastically explains, demonstrates and shows possibilities for society, organisations, corporates and individuals alike. His concern is to create understanding and reduce unfounded fears so that opportunities can be seized and risks avoided. It doesn’t matter whether the participants are C-level executives, trainees, non-experts or specialists – Thilo skillfully understands how to respond to his audience and touch the right chord.
Thilo Stadelmann’s desire is to empower organization in the age of AI and contribute to a humane future. Thilo is married and the father of a son, a dedicated amateur musician, an avid kitesurfer and passionate about spirituality. As all of this – as a fellow person – he deeply cares about a future that is worth living in and for. He is convinced that a positive future is attainable apart from AI utopias and dystopias when we get rid of unnecessary fears and have an honest look at opportunities and challenges. Thilo soars in facilitating the ensuing dialogue and enables everyone to profit – concretely and profoundly. He does so based on vast technical R&D experience, ethical considerations inspired by faith-based traditions, and sharpened by hundreds of public engagements.
Thilo Stadelmann studied computer science in Giessen and Marburg and was awarded his doctorate in 2010 with a thesis on multimedia analysis and voice biometrics at the Philipps University of Marburg.
He worked for several years in the automotive industry in various specialist and management roles on software systems and driver assistance.
His research focuses on innovative applications of machine learning, in particular deep learning, for a wide range of problems from industries as diverse as health, manufacturing, or media and culture. His results have won many research and publication awards, and he was honoured with his university’s teaching award for his lectures on AI.
Thilo Stadelmann is a co-founder and former managing director of the Data Innovation Alliance, the largest innovation network for data-driven value creation in Switzerland, and of the ZHAW Datalab, one of the first dedicated research organisations on data science in Europe, which he led until 2018. He founded the “Swiss Conference on Data Science” conference series, which brings together more than 600 experts and decision-makers from business and academia every year, and was part of the leadership of his university as the founding scientific director digital transformation. His book “Applied Data Science – Lessons Learned for the Data-Driven Business” was published by Springer in 2019.
Thilo Stadelmann speaks profoundly on all things artificial intelligence and feels at home with board-level directors, executives, experts from various fields, academics, and general audiences, small and large. He loves to explain the economic and societal ramifications of complex technological developments, and thinks through their impact on his audience’s environment and sphere of influence. Topics and content will be tailored to an event’s design and audience’s background. Examples include:
Our times are characterised by constant change. More and more often, realistic scenarios are needed as the basis for strategic planning, in the creation of which the implementation and analysis of representative surveys becomes a bottleneck. The talk shows how artificial intelligence can act as an efficient and creative source of inspiration and enable companies to assert themselves in dynamic environments.
How can AI solve practical problems? And how can joint research projects with practice partners facilitate solutions that are both scientifically novel and practically relevant? We consider recent results from our own research, delving into our work on computer vision (tackling in-plane rotation with mental rotation), document recognition (considering it as a transcription task rather than image recognition), and process monitoring (how joint embeddings lead to root cause analysis in industrial production and, eventually, world models that inhibit certain common sense). Thus equipped, we venture into an outlook on AI and the human: How can we conceive positive visions of our future societies?
Artificial intelligence is on everyone’s lips. It has proven to be a useful tool on a broad basis, but at the same time it also repeatedly allows itself to have astonishing weaknesses. How does this fit together and what added value can we realistically expect in a professional environment?
Thilo is based near Zurich, Switzerland, and speaking globally, with a focus on central Europe. He is fluent in German and English.
I talked about hypothetical and real risks of AI this week at the University of ...
Seit seiner Kindheit ist Prof. Dr. Thilo Stadelmann von Computern fasziniert, he...
...as most of it stems from an undue feeling of intimidation in the light of ass...
Please get in touch for booking Thilo Stadelmann as a speaker or panelist, trainer or consultant, and for related questions on AI.